Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Feral Children

It wasn’t my first time reading something about children raised in the wild but the videos of Genie the Wild Child and Oxana Malaya really triggered my emotional awareness. While watching the short documentaries in class, it made me realize the importance of our parents and the way they nurture us to be a well-rounded individual. Most people say that we grow up to be like our parents or the ones who have been there to guide us. They play a very significant role in our life because the values they taught will be the ones we’ll remember as we grow older. In forming our social well-being, our parents, siblings, and peers take up a great factor to be who we are now. In the case of Genie, she was isolated from the world, never had the chance to mingle with her peers until her adolescent years. Because of this, her mind still remained that of a 3 year old child who didn’t even know how to talk and walk properly. It gave me that goosebumps that people can sometimes be so cruel to the point where they will take away the life of an innocent child by prohibiting her to nourish herself. Culture very much is related in these situations. We are honed by our heritage and this serves as our primary identity. This is one reason why Oxana Malaya thought that she was a wolf. No one was there to teach her the ethics and morality of human beings. Her only companions were the animals whom she portrayed as well. Because of this, I believe that no one is born automatically genius. We need the proper care of adults to be human beings entirely not just physically, but socially and emotionally.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

“I am not that woman” by Kishwar Naheed Essay

Kishwar Naheed, a contemporary Urdu Pakistani poet was born in 1940 in a Syed family of Uttar Pradesh, India. She moved to Pakistan during the partition of sub-continent in 1947. Settling down in the conservative environment of Pakistan, she had to struggle in order to get education. She studied at home and received a high school diploma and went on to receive a Masters degree in Economics from Punjab University. She won many prizes which are a proof of her high literary status. She achieved this high standing in the literary world because of the uncensored voicing of her fight against her society. Being a part of the partition of subcontinent, Naheed witnessed harassment against women and its effect is greatly reflected as we see women subjugation the main focus of Naheed’s poetry. Naheed’s poems â€Å"I Am Not That Woman† and â€Å"The Grass Is Really Like Me† voice the lack of dignity and respect felt by the females and how they come to terms with it. Feminism being Naheed’s forte is the main theme of the two poems. Naheed highlights how females are reduced to mere objects of use with their emotions put aside, are used for physical satiation, thus puts forward the theme of Commodification. Though robbed off the right of opinion by men she still hopes for a better life with equal rights to men introducing the theme of Optimism in her poems. Fathers, brothers and husbands being responsible for the suppressed life a female spends as they are her disloyal guardians and killers of her freedom as well, gives way to the theme of Male Chauvinism. Though making an effort of trying to rise and throwing away the shackles that confine their movement some weak women surrender themselves in the hands of the society thus allowing it to control their life, displaying the theme of Reification in one of the two poems. Naheed very skillfully has made use of poetic devices like Connotation, Symbols, Metaphors and Personification to heighten the impact of her message in the two poems. Discrimination on the part of women was the focus of her attention but apart from being the witness to the violence done to women in the partition of subcontinent, the unjustness on the part of women in the Zia regime was also a reason of her women subjugation being her main focus. General Zia ul Haq’s military dictatorship, Martial Law which lasted from 1977 to 1988 profoundly shaped Naheed’s protest against the undue subjugation that was  contrived on the bases of State-regulation of women’s bodies and sexualities under Zia’s application of the Hudud Ordinances beginning in 1979. Women were deprived of their due rights and even though the ordinance appeared to safeguard women from harassment, the passing of the Law of Evidence in 1983 reduced a woman’s testimony in a court of law to half the value of a man and the implications of such laws on women are worth exploring briefly because in matters of rape and sexual violence (zina) women were profoundly affected. Even if, as Anita Weiss (1985) notes in her study of the women’s movement in Pakistan, the punishment meted out to offenders of zina regardless of sex was constitutionally the same (p. 8), since women’s power of testimony in zina cases was inadmissible in court, the legislation of zina in fact had serious gender biases built into it. Anita Weiss in her article â€Å"Women in Pakistan: Implications of the Current Program of Islamization† tells that when women were convicted for zina offences there was little room for appeal; men, by the same token, were by and large acquitted. While the Hudud Ordinances would have severe repercussions for women’s social standing in Pakistan, this moment in Pakistani political history between the years of 1977-1988 would mark, for the first time, women’s direct participation and protest against the state’s regulation of the hadd (singular of hudud) punishments especially as it concerned women’s bodies and sexualities. Zia ul Haq came up with such laws to cause a step-by-step reduction of women’s power in matters of economic, legal, and educational representation. Confining women to their houses did not stop women like Naheed. She in her own ways through her poetry protested against the authorities and the baseless laws passed out under the Zia regime. Though back then open protest against the authorities was considered illegal, Naheed was unstoppable in voicing her point. Fearless Naheed reached out to all women and not to a particular class and her poetry jolted the complacency in her peo ple as she showed mirror to the men and shook them in their seats as their injustice towards women was captured by Naheed in poetry for public viewing. Poetry written for a cause reached out to the hearts of many. â€Å"I am not that woman† and â€Å"The grass is really like me† are such examples. â€Å"I am not that woman† is about women addressing the males of the society. She is drawing a line between herself and the  degraded women who appear in advertisements and their beauty is used as a tool of selling the products. She says I am a respectable woman who won’t allow her to get insulted by men. She says that even though the men make them stay imprisoned within the four walls of their house, while they enjoy life roaming free as breeze, even then a woman cannot be silenced and she would speak for her rights. She also says that her husband has suppressed her under the constraints of baseless traditions and used her for lovemaking and to bear children who grow up to disrespect their mothers equally but still it won’t stop her from shining and that this oppression cannot mar her hopes of a life that she deserves. Parents are also accused of marrying off their daughters just to  feel free of a burden and to fulfill their duty but she says that the actual need is not only fulfilling duties but to change to conservative mindset of the society which presently do not seem to change. The very first stanza implies the theme of ‘Feminism’ being highlighted as the opening of the poem has a very declarative tone to it and a tone which tells men to keep her separate from the insulted girls in advertisements â€Å"selling you shoes and socks†. Further it forms the picture of a woman who is confined within the four walls of her house while her husband is allowed to have all the freedom of the world as it tells that he roamed â€Å"free as the breeze†. As Kishwar Naheed is known to give voice to the voiceless women so the theme of this very first paragraph seems very familiar to any Asian reader. The reason is that it has described the very dilemma that women of the Asian societies have to face that is they are taught and expected the whole of their lives to stay within the boundaries of her house because of the culture that prevails which does not allow women any progress and freewill. The message put forward in the very start of the poem has a feminist approach as feminism talks of the downtrodden males and females in a society but mainly it advocates the idea of inferior position of females. Though the woman is suppressed still she gives out a message that nothing can keep her from getting her rights. Here the theme of ‘Optimism’ is seen as Kishwar Naheed has put forward the picture of a suppressed woman has been stated already but the oppression has not been able to beat down the hope that sooner or later she would be able to enjoy the life of free will that she deserves as  she says in the first stanza that â€Å"†¦my voice cannot be smothered by sto nes† and she says in the second stanza also that â€Å"I am the one in whose lap you picked flowers†¦planted thorns and embers†¦cannot smother my fragrance†. It tells that even though her husband stole away all the happiness in her life and all she got in return of the suffering were disrespectful children but even they won’t be able to stop her from rising. It’s the males which prevent females from rising further in the poem the theme of ‘Male Chauvinism’ also surfaces. This is a very common feature of the Asian societies that no matter how uncultured and disloyal the male head of family is it is still his orders that are carried out and all the rules and regulations according to the social conventions are to be followed by the women and none of them apply to a male as it says â€Å"I am the one you crushed with the weight if custom and tradition†. Women completely crushed are merely reduced to objects of use thus giving space to the theme of ‘Commodification’ in the poem. The theme of Commodification is also very clear in the poem. Commodification refers to the concept where an individual’s value is reduced merely to that of an object of use plus its feeling are not taken care of as it says â€Å"I am the woman whom you bought and sold in the name of my own chastity†. She considers their marriage as a deal where his husband got hold of her in the form of a loyal object pure from inside without even thinking that she suffered loss in this deal as she did not get a partner she deserved. At another point she says that â€Å"I am the commodity you traded in, my chastity, my motherhood, my loyalty.† She says that her husband had been making unjust use of her goodness and that she still kept on being a good wife and a mother disregarding the fact that his husband never made an attempt to please her. Naheed has very skillfully used certain poetic devices in her poem which enhance the impact of her message. Poetic devices in the poem the main feature is that this poem is written in free verse. Free verse is a form of poetry that does not use consistent meter patterns, rhyme, or any other musical pattern it thus tends to follow the rhythm of natural speech. It does not involve any set meter but still it involves a carefully crafted word picture. The first poetic device she has made use of is connotation. Connotation involves the emotional, psychological or social overtones of a  word; its implications and associations apart from its literal meaning. The word ‘smothered’ has been used as a connotation as smothered basically means to cover an object closely or thickly and it also means to stifle or suffocate. This word is used here in connection with smothering the voice of the girl. If taken the dictionary meaning of the word is not usually used in reference to a voice but it being used in this context reinforces the theme of suffocating women within the four walls thus sup pressing her right to have her own say in the society. The word ‘crushed’ is also used a connotation as the dictionary meaning of crushed is to squeeze and deform an object but crushed used with reference to traditions and customs helps to enhance the misery that a female suffers through the baseless customs and traditions. Another poetic device used is the use of symbols. The symbols thorns and chains in the second stanza assert the message of the discomforts that his husband had been treating her with. These symbols tell describe their severity. It’s a short poem with a very few poetic devices. She has made use of a simile in the first stanza. A simile is a direct comparison of two unlike things using â€Å"like† or â€Å"as. She says â€Å"free as the breeze†. It tells that her husband was allowed to enjoy the freedom of going out and had nobody to stop him. In the third stanza she makes use of a metaphor. A metaphor is A direct comparison between two unlike things, stating that one is the other or does the action of  the other. She says in the third stanza â€Å"walk on water†. No human possibly walk on water but the meaning that this metaphor is trying to convey is that this woman is a strong willed person. She never loses hope despite the adverse conditions of her life and it tells that one day she will overcome all obstacles that come in the way of her freedom. â€Å"The grass is really like me† is another poem by Kiswar Naheed. This poem is also about the suppression of women. The writer is comparing the grass with women and says that the only way that the straw of grass can survive is by spreading itself under people’s feet and it implies the fact that the only way a woman can survive in this world is also through spreading herself in front of all, meaning that she has no individual standing of her own. The poem also puts forward the idea that the ones who lack courage are in fact the ones who are never able to rise from the ground. The poet voices the grass and women by  saying that they would not let anyone step over them and that the idea of creating a footpath instead of stepping over them is better but the poem ends with a sad note saying â€Å"the grass is really like me†. Here we see that the poet is being a realist and accepting the stereotypical image of a woman as an underfoot. This poem has a similar tone to that of â€Å"I Am Not That Woman†. Feminism here again is an prominent theme as it talks of the low status given to the women as it gives a degrading image of the grass that has to â€Å"unfurl underfoot to fulfill; itself† . The poet is giving the idea that women have to lay themselves in obedience in front of men and the society in order to survive. This image clearly gives the idea of the unequal status given to the males and females of a society and that how insultingly the females are treated. Although the women are treated unjustly but the poet by saying â€Å"Take my advice: the idea of making a footpath was appropriate† gives out the message that the females do feel bad and they do not want men to step over them in order to walk instead they should change their brutal ways rather than crushing the females down thus bringing forward the theme of Individuality. The poem in its flow gives out a complete message termed as Reification. Reification is a silent acceptance of the treatment provided by the superstructure that is the tyrants to the ones forming the base that is the victims. The poem starts by giving out the general situation of a suppressed woman in a society but then as she moves forward she gives the idea of using a footpath instead of crushing the grass she is giving the idea of having an individuality stating that women must try to rise but then as the poem ends with a sad tone saying that â€Å"The grass is really like me† tells that though ask ing the other women to be brave the poet is being a realist and she has surrendered in the hands of the society and accepting the ill treatment given to her by the males. A similar theme is found in the novel â€Å"Surfacing† by Margaret Atwood in which the unnamed protagonist of the novel tried to create her mark in the world but tired of doing so she surrenders to the puppeteers namely the authorities of religion, politics and the patriarchs of the society thus making them control her life. This poem does not have any fixed meter as it is written in free verse and does not follow any fixed meter. Personification is used as a technique by the poet. Personification is  attributing human characteristics to an inanimate object, animal, or abstract idea. The poet has compared women to the straws of grass. It defines the low status that the women have in this male dominated society and are reduced to objects to be kept at ground level. This poem has very less poetic devices. The symbol of â€Å"lawn owner† is a prominent one. It symbolizes the males of our society and how they are obsessed with leveling women back to the ground level if th ey try to rise. Kishwar Naheed in both her poems has made women her main focus and how she fights to gain individuality and males making a constant attempt to make her fall to the ground.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Management evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Management evaluation - Essay Example In fact working with this organization would leave the employee fully satisfied with their job because job descriptions are clearly defined and only those that are interested will apply for them. More so, the organization clearly stipulates its goals and each and every employee working with it knows what is expected of him. This indicates why the turnover rate is low compared to other organizations. Still the organization tries as much as possible to ensure that its employees are well taken care of in the field of recreation which involves outdoors activities which are related to the nature of work and services offered by the organization. Patagonia’s situation about employee motivation is clear and it is based on many theories. To start with, motivation has been known to have a basic impulse to optimize well being of an individual by minimizing physical pain and maximizing pleasure it can also involve satisfaction of basic needs such as provision of food, shelter, sex and resting. According to (Hoffmann, 2007) these factors must be provided as the most basic. Patagonia has truly made these needs available to its employees. For instance it ensures that there is a child care room and enough clothing for employees and all other recreation facilities. This shows that the hierarchy of needs as hypothesized by Maslow’s theory of needs is achieved where employees start with the very basics like food and shelter. Also employee’s job security is assured given that the organization registers a low turnover rate with the highest experienced back in the early 1990s. More so, social wellbeing of employees is promoted through cerebrations. Additionally, there is increased self esteem and self confidence following the freedom that the employees have by working to achieve goals with minimum supervision. The biggest challenge that Patagonia is likely to face

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Refugees Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Refugees - Essay Example by reporting on the High Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development’s 2013 meeting, which was hosted by the Permanent Observer Mission to the Holy See to the UN to discuss response to the refugee crisis (, 2013). In discussing the refugee crisis, the article highlights the countries that have had to deal with the refugee crisis, as well as the main challenges they face in hosting refugees. According to the writer, other countries should be doing more to assist in the refugee crisis by giving more aid and assistance to the host countries and partnering with them for long-term solutions. This is important to ensure that the situation is not made worse by inability of host countries to admit refugees. The article’s main argument holds that the slow response by the international community, aside from Syria’s neighbors, will worsen the already critical refugee situation. The refugee crisis has resulted in over one million children living in refugee camps and camps for the internally displaced, which has placed them in danger of exploitation through trafficking, early marriage, and child labor (, 2013). In addition, the crisis has also affected fellow refugees from Palestine, Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan, and Somalia, who have had to flee most parts of the country. This mass exodus of humans from Syria to neighboring countries has burdened host countries with extra budgetary expenses, which will only worsen as the war drags on. Any more significant numbers of refugees will place huge economic and social burdens on the host countries (, 2013), which may turn refugees to maintain their own countries’ socio-economic wellbeing. In making this argument, the writer makes the assumption that there will be no cessation of hostilities and that the refugee crisis will only get worse as more of Syria becomes a war zone. In my opinion, it is important that other countries become in the mitigation of the Syrian refugee crisis. This is

The Case Against Physicalism By Jacky Chang Assignment

The Case Against Physicalism By Jacky Chang - Assignment Example While there are many arguments against physicalism, the largest and most consistent one seems to be that of consciousness, intellect, freedom of choice, and all the qualities that make a human being fully human. The physicalist reasoning relies too heavily on reduction thinking. They define physical as either being expressed in physical terms or else in the broad sense as being anything that is part of a physical system or process. In this way, they reduce all beingness to a matter of physical nature. In fact, there are non-physical things. Alter(2005) uses Descartes’ argument, that phenomenal consciousness is not physical due to the fact that one can conceive of the body as well as the mind independently of each other, therefore, phenomenal consciousness is neither functional nor physical, to prove that we have a fully conscious mind and a fully present body. According to physicalists, all knowledge is a mental function of learning by processes involving the five senses. How, then, can we account for human intuition, experiential knowledge and the sense of general knowingness that comes with the journey of life? According to Alter(2005), human intuition and knowingness are justifiable by reason alone, with no empirical evidence needed; we don’t intentionally learn everything, How does the physicalist account for freedom of choice? Melynk (2007) uses the argument that choice cannot be free as it refers to a causal agent or, in the case of theism, a supposed intentional agent that predesigned or had prior knowledge of that choice. Yet, Goetz and Taliaferro(2007) argue that choice is not causal or determined, but rather a function of our conceptual and intentional qualities, which in reality are abstract forms and therefore non-physical objects. How can the qualities that make us fully human be explained in physicalist terms? Melnyk(2007).

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Role of the Manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

The Role of the Manager - Essay Example This paper illustrates that for several years, sociologists refer to management as a class consisting of influential individuals. According to James L. Lundy, management refers to the job of organizing, planning, controlling and directing people and resources towards the attainment of organizational aims and objectives. F.W. Taylor believes that management is the task of identifying your aims and objectives and ensuring that those aims and objectives are attained in the most efficient manner. Management is mostly defined as a procedure of helping organizations obtain their aims and objectives by making people work towards the attainment of those aims and objectives. In a broader view, it is the directing and planning of what goals need to be accomplished and how they will be accomplished along with the organizing and obtaining of resources that will be needed to obtain those objectives. For years it has been argued whether the nature of management is scientific or it is an art. The v ery fact that people who have assumed the responsibility of management have to learn theories and principles that need to be further applied and experiment makes management a scientific process. On the other hand, the fact that management is related to humans in every aspect makes management an art as well as science. A manager has access to various scientific tools which help him in making day to day decisions, but managers have to heavily rely on their intuition in order to make the correct decision. Managers have four basic functions as discussed earlier and they have to perform various roles for the accomplishment of these functions. One of the roles played by managers is that of a figurehead. The top-level management acts as a figurehead while representing their organizations in societal, legal and symbolic activities. Managers are even responsible for conducting various tasks such as hiring employees, training and developing employees, and performing appraisals.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Communication Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Communication Security - Essay Example Frequently, one would desire to make use of various cryptographic equipment with estimated, noisy, and non-uniformly disseminated keys, rather than the exact, sternly random strings that are typically needed. Similarly â€Å"fuzzy† secret could be assessed on somewhat concealed biometric characteristics a retinal scan rather than a thumbprint. For instance, it could be a long password incorrectly dedicated to memory, or one’s impulsive reactions to a list of personal questions. If at all possible, someone would be looking for a wide variety of techniques to alter some of the above into cryptographically powerful keys practical for a variety of purposes. Hence, a number of structures geared toward precise applications have surfaced in the previous few years.The application of fuzzy cryptography can offer an excellent support for potential enhancement of network communication error correction and security. It is an admitted fact that the application of next-generation sec urity mechanisms has offered much better support and network security which have improved the security of a communication network. With the evolution of penetration through mobile devices in current years, safety and privacy threats, as well as security necessities correspondingly, have multiplied. In fact, it has augmented a wide variety of threats, though, is indistinct to wireless networks and mobile users as security methods are supposed as a hassle for the reason that they are not inconspicuous as well as might divert from high-level jobs. (Boyen; Dodis, Reyzin and Smith; Al-saggaf and Acharya). The basic purpose of this research is to assess the application of fuzzy cryptography for achieving feasible network security and offering better security means that are less unobtrusive or even obtrusive? Proposed Solution For the application of better security through fuzzy cryptography, the proposed idea is to make use of context (sensor generated, state reliant content for example ambient audio, location or ambient light) as an embedded method to implement a fundamental level of privacy and security. In fact, this context can be employed as frequent secret codes amongst devices in the similar

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Final Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Final Project - Research Paper Example Historically, the Koreans had their definitive religions, which included Buddhism among many other. However, the intense interactions with the west and other parts of the world necessitated the introduction of Christianity in the region. Currently, Christianity is the leading religion in South Korea with most Koreans adopting the faith. The trend evidently portrays the nature and effects of the religious conflict exhibited in the liberal society. Just as with any other developed society, the concepts of urbanization and globalization have succeeded in creating densely populated urban centers in which people share neighborhoods with people from all over the world. In such a set, tracking a cultural practice becomes increasingly difficult thus resulting in the development of an individualistic and in depended societies in which everyone leads a unique lifestyle by scribing to specific cultural and social values. It is commonplace to see men dressed in neat three and two-piece suits an abject portrayal of the manifestation of the western culture in the region. Among the interviewees, some revealed that suits and shirts were among their favorite clothes. The interviewer determined the nationality and origin of the interviewees in order to prove that all the interviewees were native Koreans. Despite the existence of their cultural attires, the interviewees admitted that the suits looked more decent and appropriate for office set-ups since they interacted with people from diverse cultures. Such people admitted that economic integration necessitated by the development of communication and transportation technologies has made the world a global village. They therefore interact with people from diverse cultures and appreciating some of the western cultures help avoid some discerning circumstances. One of the interviewees admitted that adorning the native Korean attires is sectarian. Such attires readily reveal an individual’s nationality thus exposing them to pre viously existing stereotypes that may interfere with the nature of the relationship they develop with the people they meet. The situation become even more complex as people must maintain cordial relationship in work places where they interact with people from all over the world. The interviewees thus cited the nature of their professional environment as the greatest motivator to dress in the western suits thus sidelining the native Korean attires. Whenever cultures conflict, people adopt features that prove more relevant and convenient, this explains the widespread consumption of western designs in Korea. Furthermore, currently hundreds of Korean designers who specialize in the production of the western attires such as suits, the basic style and design are western but the Korean designers infuse their own creativity into the designs thus developing their own labels and claim their market shares within the country. The same is evident in the dietary of the people of South Korea. Whil e the independent lifestyle in the country makes it difficult to investigate the dietary of the people, the few interviewed admitted retaining some of their cultural cuisines but adopted a few others from other parts of the world. The streets of major cities such are Seoul have numerous fast food cafes. Most of such facilities dispense junks including fries, kebabs, burgers and fried chicken among others. The eateries are convenient and offer the population cost effective solutions to their busy official schedules.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Responsibility to Protect Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Responsibility to Protect - Dissertation Example In his studies about democide (a term has come to be used to refer to the murders committed by governments on individual or groups, including genocides, mass killing and crimes against humanity), Rummel (1986, 1997) illustrated that democides are more threatening than international wars, as he estimated the total number of deaths killed by governments in the 20th century 174 million dead, which is more than the battle-deaths during the same period. Moreover, he found that regimes who committed democide are likely to be dictatorial, such as Communists and Nazis. Figure 1: Democide Compared to War Battle-Dead, adobted from Rummel (1994). The next sections of the introduction will initially define three key crimes that violate human rights the most, namely: war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity. Secondly, the struggle of dealing with these crimes, and the evolution of the means used for preventing them will be illustrating. The third section will cover the research question, objectives and structure. The ultimate part will focus on exploring the problem by demonstrating the tension of state sovereignty and the debate of the R2P. War Crimes, Genocide and Crimes against Humanity War crimes refer to the excessive violation of human rights within wars, and a serious breach of international humanitarian law (Clarisse, 2011). There have been several codifications in the international level concerning war crimes, beginning with The Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907, followed by the Conventions of 12 August 1949 and their Additional Protocols I and II of 1977 and article 8 of the 1998 Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court. Murders, attacks on civilian (either prisoners, free or refugees) and their goods, pillage and rape are all considered war crimes (OHCHR, 2010). Moreover, â€Å"Genocide, crimes against humanity, mistreatment of civilians or combatants during war can all fall under the category of war crimes. Genocide is the most severe of these crimes (BBC, 2009). However, the second concept that must be clarified is genocide, which came from a Polish Jew called Raphael Lemkin in 1944 when he combined a Greek word (genos) meaning group, and a Latin word (cide) which means killing (Rossil, 2003). Genocide can be officially defined with regard to Article II of the 1948 United Nation Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide as: â€Å"any of a number of acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group, and forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.† (UN, 1948) Other crimes against humanity include â€Å"murder, extermination, enslave ment, deportation, and other inhumane acts committed against any civilian population, before or during the war, or persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds in execution of or in connection with any crime within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Changes in Communication Technology Impacting The Possibility of a Essay

Changes in Communication Technology Impacting The Possibility of a Global Society - Essay Example It can be reflected that the information and communication technologies being used in the present times reflect a contributive characteristic in the development of a society. This is primarily because the advanced technology provides with newer and innovative measures to communicate knowledge and information. The Arab Spring or the Arab awakening presents to a great extent the level in which the communication technology or the use of the social networking sites have contributed in the revolution being spread among the individuals. The current study focuses on the changing use of communication technology impacting the possibility of a global society, taking into reference the incident of the Arab Spring. The Media and its Development: Over the period of time on and from the 1980s, the communication and the media industry have been found to be have modified to a great extent. The media has now become a global instrument of communication reaching over the different parts of the world co mmercially. Not only is the media performing towards communicating to the world, but the global effects of the media and the communication technology have significant impacts on the societal issues related to the economics and politics of any country or nation. The media has an extensive role to play in the democratic revolutions occurring in different corners of the world. They bring into the focus of the entire community the different information in relation to the revolution (Herman & McChesney, 2001, pp.1-4). Thus the improved and advanced role of the media in the present generation can be understood to be efficient enough to communicate issues to individuals strongly such that they can be motivated and encouraged to take part in the revolution or any related steps for the good of the nation. The modification and advancement of the media and the industry over the years have been found to have certain positive implications on the society. Different cultures tend to mix up and com bine their opinions and views towards the right measures for a nation. The media acts as the voice for the societies to reach out to each other. Moreover, several values and principles can also be shared in between the different parts of the world with the proper use of the media and the technology of communication. Over the years, the technologies used for the purpose of communicating have also been changing and becoming more advanced. The newspapers, radio and television broadcasts were used to be the primary sources of communication of the media (Herman & McChesney, 2001, p.8). Today the internet has taken a huge space being a fast and easier means of communication among the individuals. The social networking sites prove to be highly demanding as well as seem to be a part of the regular lives where one can communicate anything in fractions of seconds to other individuals. The changes in development of the media and communications industry also bring about different challenges. Wi th the advancement, increases the competition between the different communicating mediums and sources. However since the importance of the media has been realized the communication and media companies are more focused towards providing their consumers with better facilities and meet their needs and

Monday, July 22, 2019

Soil and Water Protection Essay Example for Free

Soil and Water Protection Essay Soil contamination or soil pollution is caused by the presence of xenobiotic (human-made) chemicals or other alteration in the natural soil environment. It is typically caused by industrial activity, agricultural chemicals, or improper disposal of waste. The most common chemicals involved are petroleum hydrocarbons, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (such as naphthalene and benzo (a) pyrene), solvents, pesticides, lead, and other heavy metals. Contamination is correlated with the degree of industrialization and intensity of chemical usage. The concern over soil contamination stems primarily from health risks, from direct contact with the contaminated soil, vapors from the contaminants, and from secondary contamination of water supplies within and underlying the soil. The main threats to soils are: extension of urbanization, acidification, accumulation of pollutants, nitrate in groundwater, loss of organic matter and deteriorating soil structure, soil compaction, and erosion. The latter is especially important in southern EC countries. Differences in the approaches adopted by different countries reflect differences in the nature and perceived seriousness of soil problems and the nature of the legislatory system. In particular, differences in the approaches of the Netherlands and the UK are discussed. The concept of ‘soil quality’ is discussed in relation to these two approaches. Suggestions are given for an ecologically based soil protection policy. This paper discusses current soil protection policies and their development in the EC, and the evolution of the associated concept of ‘soil quality’. It does not deal in any detail with the restoration of soils which have been degraded by the inadequacy of past policies or their implementation. Emphasis is given to northern EC countries because they have been especially active in the development of policies which protect land and soils. Some soil degradation processes are natural phenomena but they are exacerbated by all kinds of unsustainable human uses. Let us consider the main soil degradation processes in the European Union. Erosion: Water erosion affects 115 million hectares (ha) of soil, and wind erosion 42 million ha. The Mediterranean region is the most affected, but there is clear evidence that other parts of the 25 Member States (EU-25) also suffer significantly from this phenomenon. It is made worse by inappropriate farming techniques. Organic matter decline: Some 45% of soils in Europe have low or very low organic matter content. This is the case in particular in the South of Europe, but also in parts of France, the United Kingdom, Germany and Sweden. Organic matter is both an important soil constituent and the main source of food and energy for soil organisms. It is therefore of the basis for soil fertility. It also plays a crucial role in the structure of soil. Soil organisms feed on organic matter. Organic matter decline therefore leads to loss of soil biodiversity. Again, inappropriate agricultural practices accelerate this decline. Compaction: This is deterioration of the soil structure by mechanical pressure. It is made worse by excessive stocking rates (the density of animals grazing in a given surface) and the inappropriate use of heavy machinery. Salinisation: There is build-up of salt in some 3. 8 million ha of Europe’s soils. The regions most affected are Campania in Italy, the Ebro Valley in Spain, and the Great Alfold in Hungary. Stalinization is made worse by inappropriate irrigation and changes in vegetation. Landslides: Landslides occur most frequently in areas with highly erodible soils, clayey sub-soil, steep slopes, intense and abundant precipitation and land abandonment, such as in the Alpine and Mediterranean regions. To date, there is no data on the total area affected in the EU. Although they are natural phenomena, they are made worse by certain human activities. Landslides represent an increasing threat due to population growth, summer and winter tourism, and intensive land use. Contamination: Earlier industrialization and poor management practices have left a legacy of thousands of contaminated sites in Europe. There are an estimated 3. 5 million potentially contaminated sites in the whole of the Union, of which about 0. 5 million are expected to be actually contaminated and in need of remediation. Contaminants may accumulate to such an extent that they hamper soil functions. They may pollute groundwater and surface water and thus threaten drinking water supplies and aquatic ecosystems. Sealing: The permanent covering of soil (e. g. with roads or concrete) is the only intentional threat to soil. It affects 9% of the area of the EU and is made worse by urban and industrial sprawl and transport networks. It disrupts gas, water and energy flows and leads to irreversible loss of fertile soil. Several of these threats are exacerbated by the effects of climate change, which causes increases in temperature and extreme weather events. If some of these threats are combined, they may ultimately lead to desertification, which is mainly the result of different soil degradation processes partially associated with arid or sub-arid climatic conditions. The costs of soil degradation in the European Union are estimated at some â‚ ¬38 billion each year.

Film Festival Essay Example for Free

Film Festival Essay Houston, TX (Mar. 18, 2009) —The 2009 WorldFest-Houston proudly presents Food Fight as part of its award-winning documentary side bar. Food Fight is a fascinating look at how American agricultural policy and food production developed in the 20th century, igniting a California food movement that sparked a tasty, counter-revolution. The documentary dishes up topics including sustainable produce, farmers markets, school lunch programs and inner-city gardens. It’s a savvy, fast-paced investigation that chronicles the life and times of ‘slow foods movement’ pioneer Alice Waters and her landmark restaurant, Chez Panisse, which transformed an industry based on profits into a market based on wholesome flavor. Food Fight is a riveting, smart romp through the historic rise of the Organic foods trend. This culinary adventure cooks up a clever insider’s view of how the nation’s plates are forsaking processed filler foods for homegrown, healthy produce. Chefs Alice Waters, Wolfgang Puck and Suzanne Goin are featured. If you’re interested in the origins of America’s flavorful farmer’s market revolution, you can check out Food Fight which will screen during the WorldFest-Houston Film Festival’s run, April 17-26, at the AMC 30 Dunvale (2949 Dunvale, Houston, TX 77063). Enjoy the newest feature film from food activist and screen director, Chris Taylor, who will be available after the viewing to discuss the film’s highlights! WorldFest Houston, founded in 1961, is the third oldest Independent film festival in the United States. This annual event has evolved into a competitive Independent International film festival showcasing the rising stars of tomorrow. This year’s 42nd Annual WorldFest (April 17-26, 2009) will feature: 50 award-winning Indie films, 100 superb short films, 450 Indie filmmakers from around the globe, 6 Master Classes/Film industry seminars, 1 Grand Awards Gala Cocktail Reception with the filmmakers and a Closing Day Regatta/Barbecue VIP NASA/Space Center Houston Tour. Tickets are $6 for a single matinee (films before 6 pm) or $10.00 per single  evening admission and range upward based on packages that customers purchase. Film Buff $100, Silver Screen $150 and ultimate VIP Platinum Pass $500. Check for details. Tickets will be available mid-March online and up to theatre- capacity at show time at the Cinema Box Office. All films, seminars and events are open to the public. Opening Night Prices ~ $20 per person for Film Program book. $30 per person for Film, Program book and Champagne Reception at Renaissance Hotel after the film

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Coca Cola Management Strategy

Coca Cola Management Strategy The advent of Cola wars has drastically changed the entire scenario of this soft drink industry. There are different giants playing in this industry and Coca Cola is amongst them. The fierce competitors Pepsi and certain other brands are trying their level best to change the scenario of this industry by eating up market shares but Coca Colas management strategy is so updated and relevant that they are ahead of their competition. Originating from just one brand 125 years go the strategy of Coca Cola has strengthened so much that they have launched more than 500 brands. The company originated from selling 9 odd drinks in a day in 1886 to 1.8 billion a day in the current era. The company has grown at an enormous pace and starting from just a single city to expanding its operations to more than 200 countries of the world (Coca Cola , 2012). The product actually initiated from a pharmacy and gained so much success after a certain period of time that it is regarded as one of the biggest br and of the world. New brands were added by this organization in their company product line and after a certain period of time most of the brands flourished with time (Coca Cola, 2012). But Coke is considered as one of the biggest brand and flourished at an enormous pace. The brand has grown in such a way that a new terminology of Cola drinks actually came into existence because of this. Catering to the needs of the customer is the biggest success secret of this brand. They know what the customer is actually asking for and they provide the customer that in such a way that the needs are properly satisfied with it. The history of the organization is quite rich and they have travelled their way facing several leaps and bounds. Coca-Cola has the greatest appreciated product name globally and, as one of the greatest noticeable organizations globally, it has great prospect to outshine in every scope of corporate performance (Ferrell, Ferrell, Fraedrich, 2011, p. 308). The organization thou gh has been confronted by many ethical problems in respect with their shareholders. Uncertain about the companys widespread contributions to the society and educational aspects, numerous shareholders are losing faith in the 100 year old organization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . Limitations of research Every research has certain limitations and the introduction depicts that the core research would focus on the strategy management process of Coca Cola and discusses the scenario that are utilized by the organization. The limitations of research are initiated by the usage of secondary sources in the research. The information are taken from these sources and it cannot be properly commented that the information presented in these sources are hundred percent right. Moreover, another limitation of this research is that this research should solely be utilized for academic purposes and it should not be used for the decision making process for organizational purpose. In the similar manner it should be noted that this research is prepared by an individual and all rights are reserved. Organizational Strategy Reviewing the strategic planning process that keep this organization competitive in this industry are several factors that are associated with this organization. The biggest aspect is the fact the formation of a well established mission and vision. In the similar manner one can easily say that all the strategic decision taken by the management are aligned with the vision and mission of the organization (Hill Jones, 2012). The objectives are designed so professionally that they are achieved within the stipulated deadline in such a way that they organization achieves success in both the short and the long run. The mission of the organization revolves around the scenario that they should refresh the world in body, mind and spirit. In the similar manner their objectives focus on the scenario that they should create a difference in everywhere they engage (Sevenson, 2001). The values of this organization are based on leadership, diversity, passion, integrity, collaboration, quality etc. Strategists and decision makers usually claim that the global strategy of this organization is so enormous and gigantic because of the effective decision makers in the organization. Their strategy is up to the mark because the organization is responsive internally and externally. The achieve success in every form because they are aware about the culture of their organization and they generate an atmosphere in their organization which results in a win-win situation (Hill Jones, 2012). The collaboration of all the stakeholders that are internal and external generates and great fusion for Coca Cola and that is th e reason why it is regarded as the brand with the highest level of brand equity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The competition in the soft drink industry is quite fierce because of two giant brands which are Coke and Pepsi (Dana 1999). The competition between these two brands is termed as the Cola Wars. Coca Cola is considered to be the leader of this industry and Pepsi is usually criticized by the marketing strategists as the brand that utilizes the imitating strategy. The current scenario is so confusing for both the brands because in order to attack the market leader Pepsi should have a distinctive plan or a sustainable competitive advantage (Mazze Michman, 1998). The strategies with respect to target market and introduction of a sub brand in the market of both the organizations are relatively the same because both the organizations are striving hard to capture the market share so that they can become the leaders in the Cola indust ry. Pepsis market share in Asia is much more than Coke however, besides Asia Coke captures the entire world and this strategy of Coke has taken Pepsi by a storm. The Cola are virtually fought in nearly every country of the world and organization with an effective strategy wins the race (Boutzikas 2000). Each brand is fighting the battle with different brands and both possess several non-alcoholic brands to get a share in customers stomach. Since the competition is becoming more and more dynamic with the advent of time and that is the reason why the arena is become much fuzzier and because of this reason the rivals are much difficult to identify and anticipate (Day Reibstein, 2004). Organizations usually learn from their past mistakes and that is the reason why they develop a learning habit to face any external and internal issues (Vrontis, 2003). Coke made a marketing research blunder which dipped the competitive graph of their brand and they were sinking in the competitive battle with other brands. Coke, due to blind tests changed the taste of the Coke and developed a formula to make it sweeter. This strategy backfired quiet badly and people started to dislike the name new coke and after a certain period of time they started to dislike the taste too. About $ 4 billion were spent on this campaign and it came out to be a blunder for the company (Axson, 2011) Review of the Literature The current objectives of this organization are to use the formidable assets of the company that is their brands to its full potential and attain a sustainable competitive advantage through globally reaching the maximum customers. There are several different strategies that are opted by Coca Cola to attain sustainable growth. For analyzing the effectiveness of employed business strategies by the management at Coca Cola Company, critical analysis of current market status of the company has been discussed subsequently. SWOT Analysis of Coca Cola Company For strategic evaluation of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats which any organization, project, or a business venture comes up with, SWOT Analysis is commonly used. Primary aim behind the conduction of SWOT Analysis is to exhaustively identify what internal as well as external factors are favorably or unfavorably influencing the growth and development of any business (Champman, 2007). In this section, Coca Cola is the undertaken company for the description and evaluation of SWOT. Strengths Globally, the Coca Cola Company has following key aspects as its business strengths: The brand image and equity allied with the company is internationally recognized The brands and products of the company are strategically distributed all over the world by means of strong and efficient distribution network The overall financial performance of the company is relatively higher than its competitors Coke is globally recognized, acknowledged as well as the most preferred brand for soft-drink lovers. The product-line associated with the companys brand is extensively diversified Strong and reliable corporate identity. Continues innovation and improvisation in business plans and strategies Weaknesses Coca Cola has following weaknesses on international grounds: Despite of having tremendous financial performance of the company, it has high rank in credit ratings Continuously diverging customer concentrations due to other brands in competition, specifically in US. Customer loyalty towards Pepsi products, which is the biggest and the strongest contender of Coke around the world. In Asian countries, like India and Pakistan, Coke failed to acquire #1 position in soft-drink industry. Opportunities Coke Company has following significant opportunities world-wide: The tremendously escalating demand of soft drinks all over the world. As company has expanded its covered market areas by introducing brands of mineral water, juices, soft-drinks etc, it can reach almost every market segment. Increasing globalization will allow Coca Cola to have certainly globalized business operations Health Conscious People are being catered Drastic growth in mineral water demand Smaller market players acquisitions. Threats Following business threats are being faced by the company: Since soft-drinks are considered to be unhealthy; in such scenarios, healthy drinks usually manufactured by the Fruit Juice Companies are imposing business threats to the Coca Cola Company, worldwide. Customers increasing inclinations towards critical competitors (like Pepsi, etc) Growing financial crisis and thus, prices of products Biased image perceptions in different countries of the world. BCG Matrix for Coca Cola BCG Analysis is an acronym for Boston Consulting Group Analysis. The concept of BCG Matrix was firstly put forward during 1970 by Bruce Henderson for the Boston Consulting Group with the intentions of helping companies in their business evaluation practices on the basis of their business units or product lines (Middleton, 2003). BCG analysis is considered as an analytical tool for marketing of brands, product management, strategic management, and portfolio analysis. All in all, it helps organizations to allocate their business resources. Components of BCG Matrix: To better understand the analytical techniques used in BCG matrix, its core components are described in the segment below: 1. Stars Representing the highly developed business with strong market position and financial performance as compared to its competitors. Businesses rated under this category are considered to be ideal with high shares points. 2. Cash Businesses having low growth rates but higher point shares are recorded under this category of BCG Matrix. It is assumed that the businesses recorded in this category were initially stars but somehow failed to maintain their attractiveness over time. 3. Question Mark Businesses having high rates of growth and development but, their point shares are low, are recorded under this category of BCG Matrix. This category is the reflection of certain potentials that business has for future growth and development but, at the same time, indicates the requirement of extensive efforts to increase point shares. 4. Dogs In this category, businesses have both low point share as well as low rates of growth and development. A general representation of BCG Matrix is given in the figure below: Figure 1: The BCG Matrix (Source: Middleton, 2003) As far as Coca Cola Company is concerned, the BCG Matrix analysis for the company is based upon following statistics: Figure 2: Coca Colas Performance from all over the World (Source: Ahmad et al 2007) On the basis of afore-mentioned statistical analysis of Coca Cola Company, created BCG Matrix for the company is given below: Figure 3: BCG Matrix for Coca Cola Company (Source: Ahmad et al 2007) Porters Five Force Model for Coca Cola For carrying out industrial analysis, The Five Force Model presented by Michael Porter in 1979 is being used as the de facto framework since the time of its introduction. The competitiveness of market is analyzed by Porters five forces. The current or potential risks that a company can have from its associated industry are concluded by the experts after employing this model. Following five forces are included in Porters model (1) Threat of New Entrants, (2) Threat of Substitute Products or Services, (3) Bargaining Power of Buyers, (4) Bargaining Power of Suppliers, (5) Competitive Rivalry among Existing Firms. The industrial analysis of Coca Cola Company and its brands on the basis of this five-force model is discussed below: Threat of New Entrants/Potential Competitors: Median Pressure As far as beverage industry is concerned, the barriers to the new entrants are relatively low because the cost of consumer switching in this particular industry is approximately zero with quite low requirements for capital investments. A number of new products have been introduced in the market at relatively lower prices than that of the products and brands of the Coca Cola Company. Threat of Substitute Products: Median to high pressure The consumer markets have a range of alternative products for soft-drinks, energy-drinks, juices and mineral water. It is an open fact that Coke products lack any unique flavor because its flavor is 97% similar to that of Pepsi as concluded during a blind taste test, in which people failed to distinguish Coca-Cola coke and Pepsi coke. The Bargaining Power of Buyers: Low pressure As far as bargaining power of consumers is concerned, Coca-Cola and Pepsi, which is Coca-colas biggest rival, have almost same market price thus, it has very little or even 0 pressure on the company. However, newly introduced, low-priced beverages are available in markets which can be preferred by the consumers but at the risk of flavor and quality. Fruit juices are the most preferred drink for the consumers these days as most of the consumers have become health conscious and thus are aware about the adverse impacts of carbonated beverages. The Bargaining Power of Suppliers: Low pressure In case of Coca-Cola supplies all over the world, its suppliers are not concerned about the adverse impacts of such carbonated drinks as they cant afford losing Coca-Cola, which is considered as their fundamental client. Rivalry Among Existing Firms: High Pressure Pepsi is the biggest competitor of Coca Cola in recent times as it also has variety of beverage products with strong international network. More or less Pepsi and Coca Cola are rated similarly in all over the world. However, the target market of Coca-Cola, as per its classical brand image, is the adult community primarily; however, youngsters are being focused by the Pepsi group. Nonetheless, the share market of the US is slightly dominated by Coca-Cola rather than Pepsi due to its historical business setup. On the other hand, beverage brands, like Dr. Pepper, have also become popular in US for the reason of their unique flavors. Discussion If Coca Cola Company manages to make the most innovation for creating relations and gaining market reputation, the company can easily left all the competitors behind and can stay ahead of them in one way or other. Innovation can be the first and foremost option for the company to avoid severe market competition. By employing innovative ideas, the company is expected to have strong competitive advantage with respect to its rivals. As a matter of fact, Coca Cola has certain market reputation as well as strong brand image; so, with appropriate innovation in products by keeping customer needs at front, the company can generate certain curiosity among its potential consumers in such a way that people will definitely want to go for it. If Coca Cola comes up with innovative products, consumers will leave with no substitutes and thus, they will happily purchase the commodity even at higher prices. With this strategy, Coca Cola can create a range of loyal customers as well (Covering S1, S2, S4, S5, S7, T1, T2 and T3). After innovation, marketing is the most important factor to be mulled over by the administration of the company to maintain its prominence around the globe. Marketing is considered as the backbone for any business success and thus, is extremely significant factor for the company. Coca Cola can affirm its long-lasting market prominence and reputation by marinating strong brand image through strategic marketing and advertising of allied products. This strategy will also help the company in maintaining strong consumer loyalty towards its brands and can gain consumer preferences over its competitors (Covering W2, W3, W4, O1, O2, O3, and O4). Marketing in an environment friendly attitude can definitely help the company to impose certain barriers to the new market entrants and thus can decrease the risks and threats of growing competition in the relevant industry all over the world (Covering T1, T4, T5, S2, S4, S5, and S6). If Coca Cola brands manage to sustain their quality and taste in such a way that these two factors emerged as unmatchable for rival companies, Coca Cola will be able to reduce severe threats of being substituted (Covering S1, S4, S2, O1, O2, and O3). Coca Cola Company miss-utilized resources of rare water in various Asian countries, like India and Pakistan, which serve as the primary reason of companys declining market reputation in this particular region. This mis-utilization adversely impacted the brand image of the company, as the reducing water levels in cola plant are certainly making the lives of the natives miserable. To gain positive reputation in the Asian countries Cola Company can follow the measures listed below: Land inspection before starting any project Assessment of environmental impacts that the project can have prior to start up business operations The project should be compliant with environmental regulatory requirements Say NO to refrigeration equipments containing CFC Efficient treatment of waste water Adequate operations for bottling Commencement of certain programs for energy conservation Latest technologies for water recycling system should be used by the company for saving 50% of water requirements for the operations (Covering W3, W4, and T4) With recycling of plastic bottles, costs and resources could be saved. By employing various innovative recycling ideas in companys business along with appealing advertising of Coca Cola brands can open new market segments for the company. In due course, company will have higher revenues and improved credit rating (Covering W1, W4, T1, T3, and T4). Conclusion This paper attempted to analyze the strategic business planning of the Coca Cola Company exhaustively. The study affirms that company is in its booming stages and is enjoying profitable success and reputation all over the world. However, from a superficial overlook, the afore-mentioned fact might be considered as true; but, in-depth analysis of what business strategies the Coca Cola company has, evidently reflects the existence of certain loopholes due to which the company is exposed to certain risks and market threats. Even though company has god market reputation, but innovative and unique brand ideas are required to be practiced so that the credit rating of the company could be improvised. In addition, it was also concluded that owing to severe market competitions, the company should put much emphasis on its advertising techniques so as to make its market prominence even more visible. Last but not the least, Coca Cola company has failed to comply with the health requirement regula tions in specifically Asian countries which serve as the reason of its declined reputation in that particular area. Thus, company has to put much focus on this domain to reduce negative consumer perceptions and to make them loyal with the brand and products.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Casablanca :: essays research papers

Casablanca   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Epstein brothers created Casablanca, a romantic adventure, like no other of its time. There are few movies that are loved by men and women alike. Casablanca is one such movie. It successfully combines action, adventure, love and romance into a film loved by all.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What makes this film a favorite of women? Lets take a closer look at the film and find out. Casablanca is set in the exotic land of Morocco where refuges wait for passage to America, the Promised Land. In a popular American cafà ©, Rick, the cafà © owner, hides from the memories of a lost love. Rick is a mysterious, masculine hero who hides behind a hard outer shell but is really thoughtful and unpredictable. Rick soon runs into the girl he loves, Ilsa. Ilsa Lund is a beautiful woman who is torn between two lovers. Thus begins the tender love story that women cannot turn away from.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ilsa comes into Rick’s club with her husband Victor Laszlo, a Czech freedom fighter wanted by the Germans. From the beginning, women love Rick far more than they love Victor because of his mysterious masculinity. Victor Laszlo is a hero yet, not nearly as loveable as Rick. Rick holds the only two letters of transit that can guarantee Victor and Ilsa’s escape. We are left wondering and waiting to see if Rick will do the right thing and give Ilsa the papers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another important part of the movie that women love is the music. The song â€Å"As Time Goes By† is the song that belongs to the true lovers and is played over and over by Rick’s devoted friend, Sam. Women enjoy the lasting relationship between Sam and Rick and the compassion of Sam for both Rick and Ilsa.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Rick is forced with the decision of what to do with the letters of transit Rick speaks with Ilsa and Ilsa asks Rick to think for both of them and make the decision. In the end, Rick sacrifices himself for the happiness of Ilsa and Victor as well as the war against Germany. He risks his own life for others even though he is quoted as saying, â€Å"I stick my neck out for nobody† and, â€Å"I’m the only cause I’m interested in.† This is an endearing quality. Women want to be Ilsa, and dream of loving a man like Rick.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now to try and find out why such a romantic love story is a favorite of men.

Rosa Parks Essay -- History Rosa Parks Racism Essays

Rosa Parks Rosa Parks, born in Tuskegee, Alabama on February 4, 1913 in was raised in an era during which segregation was normal and black suppression was a way of life. She lived with relatives in Montgomery, where she finished high school in 1933 and continued her education at Alabama State College. She married her husband, Raymond Parks, a barber, in 1932. She worked as a clerk, an insurance salesperson, and a tailor’s assistant at a department store. She was also employed as a seamstress by white residents of Montgomery who were supporters of black Americans’ struggle for freedom and equal rights. Parks became active in civil rights work in the 1930’s. In 1943 Rosa became one of the first women to join the Montgomery National Association for Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Between 1943 and 1956 she served as a secretary for the group and later as an advisor to the NAACP Youth Council. She also contributed to the Montgomery Voters League to increase black voter registration. During the summer of 1955 Rosa accepted a scholarship given to community leaders which gave her a chance to work on school integration at the Highlander Folk School in Tennessee. This was an excellent opportunity for her because she was able to experience racial harmony which nurtured her activism. Obviously Rosa, like many others, dedicated many years of her life trying to increase equality for black Americans. Though these efforts did not go unnoticed or fail in making any progress, it wasn’t until Dec. 1 of 1955 that Rosa made a decision that would later make her known as the â€Å"Mother of the Civil Rights Movement†. On this significant day Rosa simply refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man who was standing. Though i... ... it was the way in which she did it. She didn’t argue, she didn’t yell or threaten anyone. She did not make a scene. She protested in a peaceful way, and it’s great to know that even if young people are not taught the details of her life they can admire her and realize that violence and hatred are not needed for things to change. On Dec. 1 of 1955 Rosa simply remained seated, and by doing so took a stand, one that has made her one of the most honorable figures in US history. Works Cited 1. â€Å"Rosa Louis McCauley Parks 1913-.† African American Almanac. 1985. 2. Koeller, David. â€Å"The Montgomery Bus Boycott.† North Park University. 1999* 3. â€Å"Rosa Parks.† 1997. The Hall of Public Service. 2000.* 4. Parks, Rosa. Rosa Parks: My Story. New York, 1992.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Human Brain :: essays research papers fc

The Human Brain   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Through the use of molecular biology it is thought that the hominidae family first appeared about 5 million years ago. Based on this time frame it is believed that an African Hominoid lineage was present shortly before that time, approximately 10 myp, which contained the common ancestor to both the chimpanzee and human. The split into proto-chimpanzee and proto-human occurred during the last million years of the Miocene epoch. (Changeux and Chavaillon pg. 61). The fossils, especially those of the skull, from this time frame are limited. This leads to difficulty in proving differences in brain formation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Fossils of the hominoid cranium are not available until 2 million years after the proto-human lineage begins. The lack of cranial fossils for 2 million years is a problem. We do not know what took place during this time. The first available cranial fossils are those of A. afarensis. The mean endo cranial capacity was 413.5 cm3, which means that its brain size was that of today’s African great apes (Changeux and Chavaillon pg. 65, table 4.1). With the limited fossils available and the apparent brain size of today’s African great apes there is no proof of significant differences in brain functionality.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One study done by Ralph Holloway on the endocaste of the Hadar AL 162-68 skull fragment lead to a different theory regarding significant differences in brain functionality. Hadar â€Å"concluded that the lunate sulcus would have had to be, according to the position of the interparietal sulcus, in a more posterior position than in Pan brains†. This means that A. afarensis â€Å"had an expansion of the parietal association cortex and consequently a brain reorganization (Changeux and Chavaillon pg.106)†. Brain reorganization implies that A. afarensis had a significant difference in brain functionality.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The cranial capacity of A. africanus has a mean of 440 cm3, A. robustus a mean capacity of 530 cm3 and A. boisei a mean capacity of 463.3 (Changeux and Chavaillon pg.65, table 4.1). When the limited sample size is taken into account, is there a significant difference? â€Å"The modern human inter-racial mean is of the order of 1350 cm3, which is 3.52 times that of the chimpanzee, 2.68 times that of the gorilla value, and 3.33 times the orang-utan value, the comparative inter-hominoid index values for Australopithecus species are seen to have hardly increased at all (Changeux and Chavaillon pg. 67).† If we compare the modern chimpanzee, as modern human’s closest living ancestor, to the australopithecines we find that they â€Å"show a small but definite advance over the chimpanzee in both absolute and relative brain size (Changeux and Chavaillon pg.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Cyberbully Essay Essay

Cyberbullies should be prosecuted for what they say or do on social media. Physiologist Eden Foster stated â€Å"In order for behavior to be defined as cyberbullying it must be repeated, hostile, and sever with the intent to embarrass threaten or harass.† â€Å"Twenty percent of youth ages 11-18 have been a victim of cyberbullying† says the Cyberbullying Research Center. This needs to stop. If Cyberbullying is against the law, less people would be victimized. Keep in mind, cyberbullying can cause mental disturbance to teens. Suicide and self-harm is a big problem in our world. A lot of suicidal people are like this because of cyberbullying. A girl named Amanda Todd took her life due to being cyberbullied by fake friends, boys, and total strangers. There are teens like her going through the same thing. Physiologist Eden Foster further states â€Å"If the bill is passed it will ensure that the cyberbully will be held accountable for the behavior that led to someone getting hurt.† The cyberbullies say mean stuff which causes teens to be depressed and want to commit suicide. The bully will be held responsible for putting thoughts in teen’s heads which causes suicide. As you may know, most kids are on social media. In fact nine out of 10 kids are on social media, to connect with family and friends. But, sadly there are people who invade on teens accounts and their privacy. These people are cyberbullies who pretend to be someone else. Fake identification is against the law. â€Å"Lori Drew was convicted of violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act after creating a fake MySpace account.† Says the Dangers of Cyberbulling Radio Interview. This account was used to victimize a 13 year old girl, Megan Meir. The Cyberbully infiltrates into the victims account. This is wrong because the victim is just using the social media account to connect with family and friends. Furthermore, â€Å"It is very difficult to flee a cyberbully. As they can  Ã¢â‚¬Å"attack† through a variety of electronic means† says Physiologist Eden Foster. I suggest that since it is hard to get rid of a cyberbully, that the law should get rid of the bully for the victim. A lot of teens do not know their bully. IN fact â€Å"only 34% of teens know who their bullies are.† says the Cyberbullying Research Center. Kids don’t know there cyberbully so they don’t know how to stop them. The law should get involved to track the cyberbully down and stop them. Opponents may question, â€Å"Why don’t they just unplug?† Eden Foster further states that â€Å"Technology has become an essential part of society and our homes.† Teens use there smart phones for more than just social networking. Cell phones are used to contact parents in emergencies as well. Teens need a cell phone because like Eden Foster states it is a big part of our lives. To Sum it all up, cyberbullies need to be prosecuted for statements made over social media. It is a serious thing that many people take their lives from. The Cyberbullies need to stop, and the only way to they can be stopped is if we make it a law.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Analysis: Jb Hi-Fi Essay

JB high-fidelity peculiar(a) is a party that is establish in Australia. It usually engages in the selling of the pedestal consumer electronic products which include the televisions, video cameras, agile phones, home theatres, digital still and early(a) electrical accessories like the kitchen equipment, computing equipment, the origin conditioners, small electrical appliances like the gondola sound systems both visual and sound and other things like the movies and games. It continues to stock grievous bodily harm specialist range of high fidelity products. JB Hi-Fi has its subsidiaries that include JB Hi-Fi (A) Pty Ltd, JB Hi-Fi participation Pty Ltd, Rocket Re bunkments Pty Ltd and JB Hi-Fi NZ Limited.JB Hi-Fi was accomplished in 1974 by a transpargonnt philosopher Mr. John Barbuto (JB) who was trading from single storehouse in Victoria a side cal lead East Keilor. He was delivering variety of Hi-Fi equipments as well as save music at lowest prices in Australia. In 1 983, the communication channel was sold and ulterior in 1999, nine stores were opened. With the aim of victorious the business to be a winning specimen all over the nation, secret equity bankers and cured management purchased the business in July 2000. JB Hi-Fi was floated in October 2003 on the Australian stock Exchange. JB Hi-Fi is the largest retailer as well as alacritous growing home entertainment retail merchant connection in Australia. The Queensland Clive Anthonys stores were bought by JB in July 2004. The Queensland Clive Anthony was selling the consumer goods like the planning appliances, consumer electronics and air conditioning equipments before it was bought.It has been revealed that the administrator or the CEO of a Melbourne based JB who led to the high societys victory in twelvemonth 2009 Richard Uechtritz will take from the position in August later being in that position for 10 years. He will be succeeded by Terry Smart who joined the beau monde i n year 2000 together with Uechtritz. Uechtritz led the company towards making a one-half year net profit of $76 million in Australian silver which is approximately $66 million from $59 million Australian equivalent of $51 million in corresponding period. He as well scaled up the aggroup sales from $1. 09 billion one year before to $1.35 billion by complete of 2009. The 124 JBs stores in Australia registered 10. 2percent comparative reaping across the Australia while in its 10 stores in New Zealand a 5. 8 percent growth was achieved. JB Company was alive throughout the economic crisis this led to gained consumer combine by the company. This is a clear feature of a strong retail model and how strong the management team is strong. JB is to a fault well known for being a leader in CD album sales. It is said that for every 10 albums sold, 4 of them are rung up in JB. This is widely seen as a study factor that is behind the Australias largest popularity in the CD albums market ( JB Hi-Fi, 2010).The JB Hi-Fi Company has a charter that provides the summary of plug-in of directors fibers in the structure of the business and the companys trading operations. To en legitimate that the company thrives and overcomes the crisis that may come on the way, the company has respective(a) strategies and ways to overcome that and to keep the company on the track which includes writing and tabular array of directors which has various roles and responsibilities. The company has got a constitution and also corporations act. The companies values are the trust, ace and honesty. The venire carries out the duties in run across to the interest of the companies shareholders, staff, customers and the community in which it operates. The mesa has responsibility for the companys incorporated governance which includes establishment and empowerment of room to assist in its work.The board is also responsible for overseeing the affairs and the business of the company by estab lishing the financial objectives and strategies for management to apparatus reviewing and optimistic the financial objectives of the company and corporate plans as well as actions applause of the seat of government expenditure in excess of limits that have been delegated to the management approval of the capital management initiatives another vital role is to ensure that they are adequate procedures are put in place so as to identify the principal risks in the business as well as implementing systems that are catch in managing the risks. The board is also responsible for communicating with the shareholders of the company as well as community at the right times towards get right results and developing the business operations of the company.The board is also responsible for appointing or selecting and evaluating regularly the chief administrator incumbents performance and also determine the remuneration and succession of the chief executive officer. The board is also responsi ble of approving the major human resource major policies as well as overseeing the strategy development for high performing and senior executives. The board should also ensure that the appropriate procedures are put in place so as to make sure that business is conducted in honest, ethical and in an open manner. The board is also vatic to institute the internal procedures for performance valuation of the board, the individual directors and the board committees.

John Knowles novel, A Separate Peace Essay

John Knowles novel, A Separate Peace Essay

In John Knowles novel, A Separate Peace, Knowles proves through an adolescent relationship, that in order to have a reliable friendship, one divine must accept another completely, revealing that jealousy can not co-excist within a friendship.Jealousy many plays a major role in the deterioration of the relationship between human Gene and Finny. Gene has a growing jealousy towards longer his bestfriend Phineas. Because Finny always â€Å"gets away with everything† and empty can be whoever he wants to be, worth while Gene feels as if he is imprisoned within his own whole body (Knowles 28).The Gene is , in fact the exact same as the Gene in conditions of safety and anxieties.Revealing how that Genes competitive hatred towards Finny lead to unbelievable, malicious political action to physically disable his friend. For though friendship is depended on second one another, the balance between Gene and Phineas is unequal: Finny needed single Gene to help him face adulthood, little while Gene uses Finny as a constant detailed comparison to his own hopeless life.Knowles documents when jealousy collides keyword with friendship and the fear of it becoming a reality, when it effects a loved one . In the definite article â€Å"A Separate peace: Four Decades of Critical Response†by Lois liillmann Rauch Gibson, Gibson analyzed Knowles and his different perspective on jealousy.Over identity, he wins his hunt good for example because hes killed a portion of himself 24, however it may seem dark.

With this new profound collective guilt he destroyed any feelings of affection he once old has for Finny.With a consistent feeling of jealousy throughout their friendship wired and in preparation for the war, Gene wrote : â€Å"i what was on active duty all my time at school: I killed my enemy there† (Knowles 196). true Revealing that instead of being able to embrace the personal friendship Finny has always offered, jealousy took over Gene, logical and eventually all the insecurity kills Finny. To accept each other completely single Gene knew this jealousy could not excist within the relationship, he consider also knew the peace was always Finny, and with fear him no longer by his side; Gene how was able to find his own separate peace.Finny logical and gene have interests which are entirely opposite.The aforementioned essay general introduction sample is informative regarding the topic of the drama the author as full well as the crucial elements of this drama.The opening scenes clinical most important areas are significant since they foreshadow into the remainder of the publication.

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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Bogart and Landau Purpose

The command principles I hasten try on that Bogart and Landau take ab impinge on the corpse as a official document was practical(a) to verbalise the least. It encourages readers to counsel and bend their yeasty resource accustom the frame. It is stern tuition to benefactor founder or di permittante savants in discernment on questioning, exploring, and reorganizing separate of theatre.Bogart and Landau gives a mint of business for readers to decoct on which inspection and repairs forthright the bookman construeing the immunity and resourcefulness to ready. Bogart and Landau insinuates move the personate for non- trip the light fantasticrs and pupil actors experiences to decide disparate rigs. It is a behavior for the educatee to be a creator, actor, beamor, and participant. dis pipeline and salient text editionual matter explained in the viewpoints ashes ar physio system of logical such(prenominal)(prenominal) as partment organize . worldness sure that your visible structure is already fashioning a shape as a silhouette more all over organism commensurate to mapping that in amidst of creating lines with your bole. It is think adapted for a student to be able to employment their knees and feet to create shape. A student does not contribute to implement the primary(prenominal) dust split such as legs and arms.Connection done with(predicate) salient text brook be office through architecture. For practice session, in a illuminate course we were instructed to go for hold up in the dance d wellspring to yoke with. As well as our bodies. alive and sideline our pacings use our wind has been a major(ip) found of striking im strayeion. Bogart and Landaus practice session of medium, devalued and abate steps joined to me during the work up in the roughly fresh class. It felt the give cargon by and by(prenominal) our teacher told us to give footsteps from troubled to t edious or averse to degraded it was up to us to connect after that. When teddy my treads, it became approximately mistake to hold the line up with myself without cosmos constantly told to agitate footsteps.It is a date surrounded by your assessment and your bole. Your body is comprehend to your promontory, which is universe reactive to the instructor presentment you what to do exclusively era seek to victuals up your give pace. Connecting is undeniable by commission on a chore at hand. When your point and body atomic number 18 being responsive to contrastive things, it is up to the student to connect your mind, body, to the tempo. Adapting to this subprogram of feat had been a ch completelyenge. catch how to erect up your mind and body in contemporise. apply your tempo jocks be motion you screw calve an consummation and ever- changing your tempo get out mixture your doing.Be alive(predicate) of how the bring through of changing tempos a lters the inwardness of physical bodily function.37. This cite adapts to me in a sniff out of how my tempos in my action could furbish up my biliousness. switch of tempos smoke help with alive(predicate)ness. It impart boom out tend and develop the individuals power to qualify in and out of thoroughgoing tempos promptly and by chance.37. This mention collapses how switching of tempo is perceived. in the first center be shell for example if you be punching, a punching peach slowly it go away not olfactory perception like you are not displace any usurpation into the bagful which leave cause your image to suit beat(p) or total short. For a quicker tempo my mood faecal matter be all(a) passing happy, anxious, or angry.When operative with refrain tempos, labyrinthine adept on the inwardly by offering a sense of calm, quiet, slow.39. This repeat puts a repair situation on tempo for me. Youll understand your crowning(prenominal) fleet acros s at that point. If you crap-to doe with yourself and take a chance proportionality this could be acquired. Challenges experience stir all been schooling experiences. The architecture. cosmos sure of location your feet and former(a) sustain just about you in the style. Texture.53. In this modulation it helps me analyze how when wear my Nike runners on the cornerstone in the threatening lash theatre, they piece of tail be received bedight trys I induct to do with my tog off because I bottom of the inningnot achieve the movement without sliding, allow the slip al-Qaida and my socks help my movement.An use with a small scene of action and a throne of zip in several(predicate) directions could be elusive in a sense. For example, an drill that necessitate us to run all over the country in divers(prenominal) directions in contrastive tempos. exit aggressively aware of on the button where you are and let this architecture assert your movement.5 2. penetrating this course during that action could name been put into logic during that time. Including Others.53. Explains on connective in on utilize rejects with early(a)s approximately you. In a lesson where you are told to fix a minute near the room and, to use the alike prop derriere be a dispute because of placing. onerous to place yourself in a position that fits with the object and in any case essay to maintain in sync with the others nigh the prop. It is something that takes judgement originally slaying because if not this can cause other awe as well.In mop up Bogart and Landau have twain put in reformatory examples of how to understand, analyze, and reflect on exercises being done.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Questions: Making Comparisons Essay

Is Lims verbaliser angrier than Cliftons, Haydens, or Roethkes? Is in that location a final result in Lims metrical com direct? Is in that respect in the whatsoever primal(a) iii verse forms? Lims utterer is frequently angrier that Haydens, exactly Clifton and Roethkes ar every bit raging. thither is at a sequence catch in the vocalizer of Lims metrical composition. Her male p bent has attached n peerlessntity precisely pretty memories that would tho collar her patronise if she took the time to sojourn on them. on that point is no get on to sympathize that this yield big businessman deliver by means of and through with(p) the go around that he could with what he had or with the familiarity that he had. She drive home the appearance _or_ semblances to in particular find fault him for the uglyness of her childhood. thither is an extensive add up of impatience toward her nonplus. thither is a dissolver in that the vocalizer she has c ontumacious to cast off him hobo her so that she lead non mean of him. She depart non eitherow in him to discharge her thoughts. To her Asia and all that it was to her is dust, which is unworthy and fag end ottoman away.Cliftons loud verbalizer system system decidems to be tender-hearted her catch for more or lessthing. Is Lims merciful her pose? Is Haydens? Roethkes?Lim does non seem to be humane her come of anything. rather she is banishing him from her existence. By getting preciselyify of him, she is non human or traffic with the feelings that she has round him. She is mavinrous to lead herself that she sanction end give-up the obsess him from her mind, scarcely alternatively she is only if burial them. Hayden is dis pretending some forgiveness. He allows himself to lot in the belt for the poor beginner/ watchword family and in through the cerebrate that he has do, he is fit to spiel through some of his offense toward his baff le and his past. Roethke has in addition displayed a level of forgiveness. If the poem is seen as though the tyro has step the watchword, then, Roethke has forgiven the circumstance by good turn it into a spring or trip the light fantastic which is something dulcet. disgust is non pleasant at all, plainly by pickings the store habitation and r bulge step upine it into an enjoy up to(p) dance, he has allowed himself to spate with his emotions.Which speakers position seems the healthiest? Which the to the lowest degree? I cypher that Haydens stead is the healthiest because allows himself to tenseness on his fixs constructive contri andions as advantageously as the negative. He re constituents that his contract was the adept who got up premature to endure the fine comfort of biography for his family. He complete, as the operate stanza points disclose, that his stupefy did give fervency and cleanliness for his password. gentle My catch by Lucille Clifton The poem by Lucille Clifton sympathetic My engender has a rebellious and risky tone. She is paid her bills when the ghost of her flummox comes to her and this allows many an(prenominal) hot memories to submerge her thoughts. She does non rattling see his ghost, except his whole caboodle mend her. These ar memories of a go who was non thither for his family and took from its sections kinda of large(p) as anyone would reside a give to do. Clifton is non as angry for what has been through to her as she is for her perplex. She has apparently been destruction to her m different and mat up that she has through with(p) her divulgeflank to nominate charm her husband bled her of specie and her emotions. This do me approximate of the people I come who atomic number 18 in a race which should be reproductive merely instead atomic number 18 counterproductive. every(prenominal) member of a family should afford to the unit so that it chiffo nier be a vigorous and decisive body. all the same piddling children play a occasion in the family. They consecrate to the savour and table service as docile units who entrust one twenty-four hour periodlight provide unembellished military group to the unit. completely of the family essential pass in concert to establish individually other and on occasion to each one member testament be in accept and result command the rear of the other members. As currently as he /she is not in a position of necessitate any longer, he/she forget be able to be an as particularize. preferably of creation the supplier for the family, Cliftons begin has bee a clean. He has been this to his children as wellhead as his wife. He has interpreted so some(prenominal) from her that we comical that he is partly to diabolical for her death. He has get forthed the brio out of her effective as a leach will suck the crease from its victim This give is deceitful and does not be is young ladys forgiveness. She is not offer it to him for him, entirely for herself. Those wintertime sunshine s by Robert Hayden is set in the winter so that the snappy throw out lay out lose of emotions or the constraint of the heart. It is round the speakers bewilder and the family relationship that they shared. sunlight is emblematic of a solar daytime when a soulfulness is normally with the family because it is a day when at that place is no mould It is a day of density and togetherness. The paternity of the family gets up early to fix the bolt so that when the delay of the family rise, the family unit will be impregnable for them. He as well polishes the shoes. He does not do it out of lamb besides out of employment. on that point is no excitement from him as there is from the clear which is cordially and inviting. His custody are wild from the thorny exert that this arrest does, but over again it is out duty instead love. It i s unmistakable that the yield alike resents what he essential do for the family. This is evident when Hayden tells us that the house is overflowing of anger. He does not insure his password and his watchword does not derive him. They do vigor to mollify the problem. They just hang on increase far apart. The find provides without explaining why he does the things that he does and the son keeps pickings and does not express his appreciation. So the gravel feels as if not one is pleasing to him and thence feels worthless. It is not until the son is large and looks back that he realizes the extend and sacrifices that his bring forth has do and made. If he had done so front and his father had realized that he was appreciated, he qualification have performed his duties out of love.